Roel Hartong

Principal Consultant / Agile Coach

To help businesses and teams with change issues regarding organizational and information management into concrete solutions, is the core business of Roel. He is analytically strong and pragmatic in his approach, without losing sight of the quality of the end result.

As the famous Dutch soccer player, Johan Cruijff, described:
“I have no secrets regarding my success. Just do your best, enjoy what you do and gather good people around you. Because on your own you can do little, but together you can achieve a lot”

“Ik heb geen geheim van succes. Gewoon je best doen, iets leuk vinden en goede mensen om je heen verzamelen. Want alleen kan je niks en met zijn allen kun je alles” – Johan Cruijff

Roel knows how to build bridges in an organization, keeping a keen eye on the different relationships between management and organization. As a real team player, he knows how to achieve the necessary results with a team, individual players and stakeholders. Trust and connection, is Roels’ strength.

Would you like to exchange views with Roel? Make contact with him.

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