Steven van Aggelen
Customers are loyal to you and your business if their expectations are exceeded. How does one create processes which will allow the customer to optimize their goals? These are the questions Steven asks himself before setting to the task at hand. He knows, from experience in the financial services and retail that one can get a grip on Customer Excellence with effective process management. He gets his energy from analyzing, contributing and implementing process improvements.
“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” (Walt Disney)
Steven uses his internal and external customer focus to achieve the correct result. He easily switches between teams and he has a positive influence on his environment. He is inquisitive and has the study background to prove this. He obtained a Master’s degree in Management and Business administration at the Radboud University Nijmegen and achieved a Master’s degree in business policy, communication, organization and financial management at the VU university, Amsterdam. In his spare time he enjoys volleyball and “klussen”… fixing things around the house.
Would you like to exchange views with Steven? Make contact with him.